100% Natural Vita Talalay Latex

Natural rubber is harvested from the sap of the rubber tree (Hevea Brasiliensis)- originated in Brazil- and now mainly grown in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. This raw material is made into Talalay latex foam through a complex freeze-vacuum process. Just as important as the quality of the raw material is state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment, know-how, experience and quality control of the manufacturer.

Natural Talalay latex is more elastic, denser, resilient and durable than any polyurethane foam. It minimizes contact pressure and remains resistant to wear over time. Talalay latex is naturally resistant to dust mites, hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.

Due to its interconnected open cell structure, it is more breathable than any polyurethane foam and even Dunlop process latex.

We have been using Talalay made from 100% natural latex for close to 20 years in all our latex mattress and hybrid mattress models and still find it to be the most functional and healthy performance material available.       

We exclusively use natural filler-free Vita Talalay made from 100% natural latex, certified by Oekotex 100, level 1.
Natural Talalay Latex - check out the fascinating route from liquid milk to our resilient performance foam. 


Vita Talalay Latex is Cradle to Cradle® Gold Certified

The Cradle to Cradle® philosophy is at the core of Vita Talalay's products and process management. Watch this TED talk for a deeper understanding of the Cradle to Cradle philosophy

The Cradle to Cradle® Gold Certification proves that Vita Talalay's Natural latex is the most healthy and natural comfort material in the world. 

There are 5 achievement levels: Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum. The category with the lowest achievement level determines the product’s overall mark. There are very few companies that have achieved the Gold level, and Natural Vita Talalay® is the only one in the entire bedding industry. To date no company has managed yet to get to Platinum. A nice challenge!

About Cradle to Cradle®
The philosophy of cradle to cradle is based on the natural cycle of life where waste does not exist. Before industrialization people lived with their animals and crops, used everything they took from their land. Any waste became compost and at the same time food for the new life cycle. This cycle was never ending. Cradle to Cradle sometimes is referred to as circular economy.

The Cradle to Cradle Institute helps to design and develop products in a way that there is no waste, but nutrients (a starting point) for something new at the end of a products useful life. This is only possible if the product is completely safe and free of toxic materials that can impact the environment and human health.

Cradle to Cradle is the most comprehensive standard currently available in the industry. Other than Greenguard which only tests off-gassing or GOLS certified “organic latex” (Global Organic Latex Standard) which is very limited in its scope and doesn’t even test off-gassing of the finished product, it goes much further with independent third party product assessment & testing which covers all aspects of human and environmental health.

Natural Vita Talalay Latex is made from 100% natural latex without odorizers or fillers, no harmful off-gassing, zero petrochemicals or other harmful substances.

Cradle to Cradle categories

Material Health
Each product component is identified and categorized as being either a biological (can safely return to nature) or technical (can safely return to industry) nutrient. This quality category cross references the effects of hazardous components with the likelihood of human exposure, determining the level of risk involved to human health and the environment. Product testing includes VOC (off-gassing) and exposure to carcinogens, mutagens and reproductive toxins. Find more information and definitions here.

Material Reutilization
Materials used to design the product must come from and be able to be returned to nature or industry. This allows manufacturers to focus on maximizing the percentage of recycled and/or renewable material content. In addition these materials also need to be safely reusable, recyclable or compostable. 100% of our Natural Vita Talalay can be recycled into new materials.

Renewable Energy and Carbon Management
This quality category directs manufacturers to plan ahead and envision a future where the whole manufacturing process will be powered by 100% clean and renewable energy. The Vita Talalay factory has almost fully transitioned to green energy and does produce not only “Energy Neutral” but “Energy Positive” natural latex. This means that they deliver more oxygen than carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. 

Water stewardship
Viewing and managing clean water not only as a precious resource, but also an essential human right – that is what this quality category is all about. Radium Foam has an installation that filters the water that has been used during the production process so it can safely be drained into the regular wastewater system.  

Social Responsibility
This last quality category ensures that all operational designs honor all people, as well as natural systems affected by the product, whether during the creation, use, disposal or reuse of the product. This means that manufacturers must conduct regular self-assessments based on globally recognized standards as well as conduct third party audits to assure optimal conditions throughout the entire supply chain.

Radium Foam is sponsoring the Co2OL reforestation of mixed forest project.